I enjoyed this book about the “Communion of Saints”. We are connected to the saints and angels in this large Christian family in heaven and on earth. Scott Hahn never disappoints in stories of his ongoing conversion. This book traces his recent family pilgrimage to Assisi, Italy. A near tragedy involving his son opens up a new spirituality to him. After some introductory chapters we get to know the saints better with a short biography of each followed by a quote from the saint in something they wrote. From Moses to Maximilian Kolbe, we travel through church history, learning from the saints and hopefully developing a relationship with them. Ultimately, Christianity is all about relationships, ones with each other and our heavenly brother and sisters. We grow as we open ourselves up to what the saints have to tell us in the examples of their lives. This can make our overall communion more real and add depth to our spiritual lives. I highly recommend this book for light reading and an introduction to the saints. The book is short and easy to read in a conversational tone. It can entice you to want to learn about the saints in this book and the stories of numerous others. You may even find a patron saint to inspire you or learn about a new saint you have never heard of before.